General Forms
This form is used to request academic forgiveness. Students must submit this completed form to the Office of the University Registrar.
These forms can be found on the University Registrar's website. Please review their page carefully for information on the forms that fit your situation.
This form is used to apply for a change of school. Students who are changing majors within their current school should contact their school for assistance. This is a digital form. *If you have questions about changing/adding a major or minor, see your advisor
Students may use this form to request a course to count towards their degree with the permission of their school and department. Please see your advisor with questions.
Spring 2025 Credit/No Credit registration for full semester courses is February 18th, 2025 - March 3rd, 2025.
Summer 2025 Credit/No Credit registration is June 16, 2025 -June 23rd, 2025.
Short courses, or courses that are not full semester, have different deadlines. Please visit Spring 2025 Short Courses for those specific deadlines.
Curriculum and Policy Petitions/Exceptions
For a PDF copy of the form, please email
Visit the page below for more information. This form may only be completed by faculty and staff.
CLAS Major, Minor, Certificate Exceptions Request
Under exceptional circumstances, a student may petition for a substitution to the KU Core.
All former KU students (those who have completed at least one hour of credit) must submit a readmission application if they did not attend for at least one full fall or spring semester.
If you have a course on your transcript that didn't transfer the way you thought it should, complete a re-evaluation form. Email or call our team at 785-864-3911 for assistance.
Non‐attendance documentation
- Must include confirmation from instructors, for coursework taken within two years of request, that no courses were attended during the semester requested. Students in their first semester at KU can also provide proof of non‐attendance if they show that they were enrolled full time at another institution.
Medical documentation
- Must be presented in the format of the CLAS Medical Assessment Form. In extreme situations, documentation of hospitalization/in‐treatment can be accepted for current semester issues.
Bereavement documentation
- On the passing of a close family member such as child, parent, spouse, sibling, or individual that resided with student includes media notification, memorial card or death certificate along with proof of relationship (if not included in submitted documentation).
Military Deployment documentation
- Must be a copy of military orders that list date received by student and date of deployment.
Extenuating circumstances
- Beyond student control documentation would consist of documentation related to a serious accident, crime or similar serious issue that has official documentation such as police report, legal paperwork or something comparable. Dates of incidents must be within semester of concern or proof of impact documentation will need to be included addressing how the extenuating circumstances continued to affect academics.
Proof of impact documentation
- Addresses why and how circumstances affected the student’s academics and can be presented in the format of the CLAS Medical Assessment Form or by letter from an official University representative (e.g. staff in UASC or CAPS) assisting with academic accommodations.
Graduation hardship documentation
- Must be presented in written format indicating that a student has a pending job offer, acceptance to graduate school or post‐baccalaureate program, military commission, medical documentation or extenuating circumstance beyond student’s control that impacts ability to complete requirement, or materials that show requirement cannot be fulfilled through currently offered courses and/or student’s schedule.
Misadvising documentation
- Must be a written statement of misadvising/miscommunication from academic advisor, faculty advisor or other official staff representative of the University of Kansas advising documentation (Kyou portal notes, Jayhawk GPS notes, Orientation advising, email exchanges, etc.) demonstrating misadvising/miscommunication. All advising notes and materials (whether or not they are provided by the student) will be used to assess misadvising/miscommunication petitions.
Faculty support documentation
- Must be presented in written format explaining why exception should be made for individual student.
Departmental support documentation
- Must be presented in written format explaining why exception should be made for individual student.
Administrative error documentation
- Considered to be documentation from Enroll & Pay that an attempt to drop all courses or an attempt to drop single course prior by withdrawal deadline, written support from University official that an error was made, or written support that a representative of the University indicated that they were to have acted on the student’s behalf.
Non‐evaluation documentation
- Considered to be feedback from instructor/department that indicates no grades were received, prior to the last day to drop, or written communication between student and instructor that demonstrates that the student did not receive feedback.
All applications for withdrawal after the University published deadline should be submitted through the Undergraduate Petition to Withdraw After Deadline form.