Congratulations, Jayhawk!

Graduation Information
- The College of Liberal Arts & Sciences does not automatically graduate students upon completion of all requirements.
- A student must file an online application through KU’s Enroll & Pay to signify that they are ready to graduate.
- A student should apply before the College's Priority Graduation Check Deadline to ensure timely graduation information.
- A student should apply to graduate for the semester that all degree requirements will be completed and not based on the semester that they want to walk down the hill. For example, if a student plans to complete their degree requirements in spring, the student should apply for spring graduation. If a student plans to complete their degree requirements in the summer, they should apply for summer graduation.
- A student can access the Enroll & Pay application by signing into their Enroll & Pay account, and in the main menu clicking on “Degree Progress/Graduation,” followed by “KU Apply for Graduation.”
- A student must file an application through Enroll & Pay for each semester/term they anticipate graduating. Applications to graduate do not roll-forward, so if a student applied to graduate in spring and does not meet all degree requirements, they will need to re-apply for the next semester or term that they anticipate their requirements will be completed.
- If a student misses the online deadline to apply for their intended semester of graduation, they should contact College Undergraduate Academic Services by email ( as soon as possible to file an application offline.
- If a student misses an application deadline to graduate in the fall or spring semester, their name will not be included in the associated graduation program that is printed and distributed at the graduation ceremony.
- Applications to graduate in the spring semester are typically available August 1st of the semester prior to that spring and available through March 1st of the intended semester of graduation.
- Applications to graduate in the summer term are typically available October 1st of the fall semester prior to the next summer term and are available through July 15th of the intended term of graduation.
- Applications to graduate in the fall semester are typically available March 1st of the spring semester prior to the coming fall and are available through November 1st of the intended semester of graduation.
If a student applies by the priority graduation check deadline, the College Degree Analyst will be able to review the student’s record before the start of their final semester. This allows Graduation Advisors time to identify issues that may require a change in enrollment, and notify the student. If issues are caught early, the student may still have time to correct their schedules before the first day of their final semester.
Once a student has applied to graduate through Enroll & Pay the College Degree Analyst will review the student’s record, this is known as a Graduation Review.
- If everything is on-track for graduation, the student will receive a confirmation message through their KU email.
- If the Degree Analyst cannot tell how a requirement(s) is being completed, the student will receive an email asking for clarification on the outstanding requirements.
- A graduation review will take place once a term has started. The College Degree Analysts will conduct reviews through the graduation deadline.
In order to graduate from the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences a student must officially apply for graduation and satisfy all of the following requirements:
- A minimum KU Cumulative GPA of 2.00
- A minimum 120 credit hours
- A minimum 45.00 Junior/Senior (300+) credit hours
- A minimum 30.00 Junior/Senior credit hours in residence (through KU)
- All KU Core requirements
- All BA, BS, BGS, BFA or BAE degree specific requirements
- All major and minor (if applicable) requirements including:
- Overall hours
- Junior/Senior (300+) credit hours
- Residency hours
- A minimum Major Junior/Senior GPA of 2.00
- A minimum KU Minor GPA of 2.00 (if applicable)