BGS Career Preparation Courses

The Bachelor of General Studies degree (BGS degree) requires completion of an approved career preparation course, or a combination of approved courses (minimum 3 credit hours total).  Eligible courses can include both department specific experiential courses or traditional classroom instruction. In both cases, a career preparation class will emphasize and develop students’ ability to select and secure a career, succeed in the workplace, and pursue professional development.

NOTE: Some courses below may only count for 1 or 2 hours of credit. You must complete a total of 3 credit hours to complete the requirement.

Updated 12.12.23
CourseCourse Title
ABSC 675Pctm Inf-Tdlr Cr&Erly Intrvn I
ABSC 676Pctm Inf-Tod Cr&Erly Intrvn II
ABSC 677Prac Preschl Eductn&Intrvntn I
ABSC 678Prc Preschl Eductn&Intrvntn II
ABSC 679Prct Bhvr-Anl Rsh Erly Chld Ed
ABSC 680Prc Adv Lab Dv Bh Tr Chd Autsm
ABSC 685Prc Cmty-bd Trt Prg Disab Adlt
ABSC 690Prc Commnity Health&Developmnt
ABSC 691Prc Commnty Health&Devlpmnt,Hn
ABSC 692Practicum in Basic Research
ABSC 696Special Practicum in, Honors
COMS 330Effective Business Communicatn
COMS 342Problem-Solvng in Teams&Groups
DANC 475Career Preparation in the Arts
ENGL 362Foundatns of Technical Writing
ENGL 494Research Internship
ENGL 496Internship
ENGL 497Service Learning Internship
EVRN 491Capstone Internship
EVRN 615Capstone Project
FMS 485Capstone in Film&Media Studies
GEOG 500Senior Capstone in Geography
HA 550Capstone in Art History
HIST 475Professional Skills in History
LA&S 172Exploring Health Professions
LA&S 372Prep for Prog Health Professns
LA&S 470Job Srch Skls Lbrl Arts&Sci Mj
LA&S 475Professional Career Management
LA&S 480Preparng for Intrnatnl Careers
LA&S 485Global Career Management
LA&S 490Internship Exploration
LDST 200Intro Leadrshp Studes&Applctns
LDST 201 AND 202Introduction to Leadership AND Intro to Leadership Applicatns
LING 420Capstone:Research Lang Science
LING 421Cpstn:Typlgy-Unty&Dvrsty Hm Ln
POLS 494Washingtn Semester Intern Smnr
POLS 495Topeka Semester Intern Seminar
POLS 496Washington Semester Field Work
POLS 497Topeka Semester Field Work
PSYC 483Undergrd Internship Psychology
PSYC 484Classroom to Career
SPAA 691Internship Experience
SPLH 568 Intro Audiological Asmnt&Rehab
SPLH 571Intr Speech-Language Pathology
THR 307Undrgraduat Theatre Internship
THR 560Collaborative Production