Retroactive Withdrawal
If you are petitioning for retroactive withdrawal from courses in which you are currently enrolled, you will need to continue attending these courses and earning the best possible grades because there is no guarantee that your petition will be approved.
You cannot petition to retroactively withdraw from a single course unless: a) your enrollment in the course was due to a documented administrative error or b) there exists a serious issue specifically related to that course.
Retroactive withdrawal is available to College of Liberal Arts and Science students or other students petitioning for withdrawal from a single College of Liberal Arts and Science course.
You are NOT a candidate for retroactive withdrawal if any of the following are true:
You are applying because you are not satisfied with the grade you earned.
You are applying because you forgot to withdraw from the course during the term or you failed to get the instructor’s signature by the published withdrawal deadline.
You were not aware of the withdrawal deadlines.
You changed your mind and are now working towards a major or degree which does not require this course.
You assumed non-academic activities which restricted your time for academic pursuit.
You were ill or you suffered stress as the result of an accident, death, family crisis, or other crisis early enough in the semester to have withdrawn during the semester.
If any of the above are found to be true of your case, your request for retroactive withdrawal will be denied by College Advising & Student Services and will not be reviewed by the Academic Standards Subcommittee of CUSA.
You ARE a candidate for retroactive withdrawal if one or more of the following is true:
You are the victim of a documented administrative error that affected your enrollment in one or more courses.
You enrolled in KU coursework but did not attend any of your classes because you were enrolled full time at another academic institution.
You have documentation of a serious illness that affected your ability to complete all of your coursework after the withdrawal date.
You encountered documented extreme and unusual circumstances which a) were beyond your control, b) occurred after the withdrawal date, and c) could not have been addressed during the term in which the course(s) was taken.
You received absolutely no feedback on your performance in the course before the last day to withdrawal from the course.
Clear administrative error and non-attendance at KU will be handled by College Undergraduate Academic Services and will not have to be reviewed by the Academic Standards Subcommittee of CUSA.
If your case meets the above criteria, then you may begin the process of applying for retroactive withdrawal by completing the fours steps listed on the Retroactive Withdrawal Petition Form.
All applications for withdrawal after the University published deadline should be submitted through the Undergraduate Petition to Withdraw After Deadline form.