Academic Standing

A student is considered in good standing if they maintain a cumulative KU GPA of 2.00 or better. If a student falls below a KU cumulative GPA of 2.00, they are considered on probation. If it is a student's first semester below a KU cumulative GPA of 2.00, they will be placed On Notice for that semester. Generally, students on probation will face an academic dismissal if they do not return to good academic standing or meet their required term GPA at the end of the fall or spring semester. Please see the options below.

Information about Academic Standing

Good Standing Warning

Students with a KU cumulative GPA of a 2.00 or higher but had a fall or spring semester with a KU term GPA below a 2.00 are strongly encouraged to meet with an advisor to discuss options to help improve their GPA for future terms.  This standing is not listed on a student’s record.

Placed on Notice

Students that have fallen below a 2.00 KU cumulative GPA for the first time at KU should meet with their advisor to discuss the steps needed to bring their KU cumulative GPA up to a 2.00 or higher.  If a student does not bring their KU cumulative GPA up to a 2.00 or higher after the next fall or spring semester they are placed on probation. If a student stops out one or more semester (and so therefore does not raise their KU Cumulative GPA to a 2.00), their next enrolled term at KU in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences they would be considered on Probation and would need to meet terms of Probation by the end of the next enrolled term in order to continue.

Placed on Probation

Students that either did not return to good academic standing after their notice term or have previously been on probation will need to earn their required term GPA or raise their KU cumulative GPA to a 2.00 or higher.

Continued on Probation

Students that meet their KU term GPA requirement but do not return to good academic standing will continue on probation.

Your required term GPA is determined by how many graded hours you have attempted at KU.  If you have attempted less than 45 KU hours then you are required to earn at least a 2.00 KU Term GPA.  If you have attempted 45 or more KU hours then you are required to earn at least a 2.50 KU term GPA.

If a student does not meet their required KU term GPA or raise their KU Cumulative GPA to a 2.00, then they are academically dismissed.  Students that are dismissed are not allowed to attend KU for at least the following term, and must meet readmission after dismissal requirements in order to be eligible for future readmission.


In rare circumstances, the College has a reinstatement petition process where a student can request to continue even though they did not fully meet their probation requirements.  It is important for students to have engaged with their advisor, connected with support opportunities and/or show academic progress in order for a petition to be considered.

Please note - even if your reinstatement petition is approved and you are allowed to continue on probation for the following semester, the dismissal will remain on your academic record.

If you take no action or if your reinstatement petition is denied - Your spring class schedule will be dropped and you will need to complete readmission requirements to return to KU

Retroactive withdrawal:

If a student has experienced circumstances beyond their control that impacted their current semester grades, the student may be eligible for consideration for retroactive withdrawal.  If this is the case, the student should pursue the retroactive withdrawal process rather than submitting a reinstatement petition.

Students that have been academically dismissed from the College must sit out the required time and complete 3 hours of transferable coursework that counts toward any outstanding KU Core Goals 1 – 5.    If the student has successfully completed all of KU Core Goals 1 – 5 they are not required to take coursework during their time away.  

  • First Dismissal – Must sit out at least one fall or spring semester
  • Second Dismissal – Must sit out at least one academic year
  • Third Dismissal – A third dismissal is final

2.50 GPA is required of all transferable coursework taken since dismissal.

Students can apply for readmission with the admissions application.  The College also has a petition process if a student has not met their readmission after dismissal requirements due to extenuating circumstances.  More information can be found on our readmission page.  If you are thinking about attending a community college in Kansas you can find admission information in the KU Admissions Community College guides.