Academic Forgiveness

Academic Forgiveness allows students to remove up to four terms from their University of Kansas GPA one time in their academic career at KU. A student may request Academic Forgiveness upon meeting the following conditions: 

  1. Is currently classified as an undergraduate student at KU.
  2. Has had a break in attendance of at least two years from KU. A student will be considered in "attendance" during a semester or term if the student is enrolled in at least one KU course in residence, earning a grade of A-F, S, U, CR, or NC.
  3. Has earned a cumulative University of Kansas G.P.A. of less than 2.5 prior to the two-year break from KU.
  4. Currently has an overall G.P.A. of 2.5 in the classes completed since returning to KU.
  5. Has earned at least 12 credit hours since return to KU and
  6. Students in the College should meet with their academic advisor in Jayhawk Academic Advising to discuss how the policy applies to their specific circumstance, then submit their completed form to 109 Strong Hall or scan to for Dean/School Official approval.

A student may designate no more than four academic terms to be discounted. The discounted terms will not be computed into the student's current G.P.A. nor will any of the discounted credits count toward a degree at the University of Kansas. 

For additional questions, contact College Undergraduate Academic Services.