Spring 2025 Graduation Information

Information for Spring 2025 College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Grads

PLEASE read thoroughly for important information on finishing your degree. If one or more of these requirements are not met, your degree may not be granted. Please check your KU email regularly for alerts regarding important steps or missing paperwork. 

College Distinction/Highest Distinction Ceremony

Once a year in May, the College holds a "By Invite Only" cording graduation ceremony for students who are candidates for the Distinction/Highest Distinction award. This is held in conjunction with the College's Master's Hooding ceremony. Eligible students will be emailed in March to RSVP for the event.

The invitation sent out in March must be completed to RSVP. When completing this RSVP, students can request free tickets. Each student is guaranteed up to four. They may request to be added to the waitlist for additional tickets. No information on additional tickets will be available until registration for the ceremony has closed. 

EVERY guest, irrespective of age, must have a ticket for admission to the event. The student participant does not need a ticket. 

Students are expected to have a cap, gown, and tassel. These can be purchased prior to the event at the KU Bookstore.

KU Commencement

The spring commencement ceremony is May 18, 2025. You may walk down the hill even if you plan on finishing your degree in the summer, but should officially apply for summer 2025 graduation instead of spring to ensure your degree is awarded. Commencement information can be found on the commencement website.

Information on other recognition ceremonies across KU can be found on the KU events calendar.

For information on CLAS departmental ceremonies, scroll down for departmental contact information. 

Graduation Steps

  1. Apply for graduation in Enroll & Pay by November 22, 2024 to receive an early graduation check. The final deadline to apply for spring 2025 graduation is March 3, 2025. If your academic plans change after you apply for graduation please notify College Undergraduate Academic Services, collegeundergrad@ku.edu, or call 785-864-3500. Instructions to apply for graduation are available on the Registrar's website. Please apply for graduation for the term you plan to FINISH your degree requirements.
  2. Final advising appointment:Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor to be certain you’re enrolled in all courses needed to complete all of your outstanding graduation requirements. You may need to receive official approvals from your major or minor department and/or complete paperwork to ensure your eligibility to graduate. You should have your final advising appointment before the first day of spring classes.

Do any of the following apply to you? You are responsible for meeting the following deadlines:

  • Study Abroad Paperwork, Petitions, and Coursework
    • Oct. 1, 2024 If you have completed a study abroad program, it is beneficial for you to complete the necessary paperwork so your coursework posts before your last semester. You should not wait to petition a general education requirement in your last semester. Waiting to take action with either of these may delay your graduation.
    • Jun. 13, 2025 – Deadline by which all coursework must be posted to your KU record.  Please note that if your study abroad coursework posts after this deadline, you will need to apply for graduation in a future semester.
  • Incomplete Grades
    • If you are finishing an incomplete to fulfill graduation requirements, your instructor must submit your grade to the Office of the University Registrar.
    • Any remaining Incompletes on your academic record will be calculated as an “F”. As of Fall ’09, Incomplete grades will be converted to an “F” one year after the incomplete is assigned or upon graduation. If either causes your KU GPA or KU Major Junior/Senior GPA to drop below a 2.0, your degree will not be granted.
    • May 23, 2025
  • Transfer Credit
    • If you are taking courses at another institution to complete graduation requirements, your official transcript must be received by the Office of Admissions & Scholarships,1502 Iowa Street, Lawrence, KS 66045. Official electronic transcripts can be sent to processing@ku.edu. A minimum grade of C must be earned for a course to transfer to KU.
    • If you have concerns about transfer work, please contact your academic advisor.
    • It is YOUR responsibility to provide official transcripts. Transcripts received after the deadline can delay your degree completion term.
    • June 12, 2025
  • Exam Credit
    • If you are planning to complete graduation requirements with exam credit, you should not wait to take the exam in your last semester. Waiting to take the exam may delay your graduation.
    • Exam credit that posts to your record after the deadline can delay your degree completion term.
    • Jun. 13, 2025  
  • Honors Intent Forms
    • If you are pursuing departmental honors, complete an Honors Intent Form which must be signed by your honors advisor. Submit the form to College Undergraduate Academic Services, collegeundergrad@ku.edu (If you do not meet the deadline, you will not be listed in the spring commencement program)
    • March 3, 2025

Diploma: If you’ve applied for graduation, the Office of the University Registrar automatically places an order for your original (first) diploma for you to pick up in person at the 1502 Building at 1502 Iowa Street (bring a picture ID). You may request your diploma be mailed to you instead by placing a diploma delivery request in Enroll & Pay. Information on diplomas can be found on the Registar's Diploma website. 

CLAS department contact information